Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How to Leave a Comment

Just in case you don't see how to leave a comment--go to the bottom of the blog posting that you are reading. You will see a# and then the word "comment". All you have to do is click on "comment" and a box will open up. Write something in the box and then click on "post comment" which is located below the box.

I would love to hear from some of you! I would be happy to try to answer questions about Branson or at least try to point you to a site that might be able to answer your question. Also, if you have an idea about a subject you would like to see me blog about, let me know.


  1. Actually that is not all you have to do. You have to sign into one of the accounts in the dropdown box first and then hit "Post Comment". It will make you type in the little word picture to make sure you are a real person and not a computer and then it will post.

    Now, sometimes it doesn't work when you hit "Post Comment". If that happens, you can hit "Preview" and then it will let you post from the preview box that pops up.

  2. Thanks, Lisa. I guess it is different for you to post to my blog than for me to post to my blog. I hope that helps. You'd think it could be a lot easier than that!


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